Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sunday times " How big is your bust at 13?" 6/5/07

You may be thinking. What kind of title is this?

But this is the type of question you will encounter when you log into various Singapore chatrooms. Men prowl Internet chatrooms, awaiting for innocent girls to chat with them. Within minutes, a normal chat will turn into an indecent one. If the chat continues, they will start to offer shopping trips to you, with one condition. To have physical contact with you.

This is a worrying issue. The men have this mentality that, as long as I don't get the girl pregnant, age is not a barrier of sex. In addition, the chatroom victims have no idea what they are getting themselves into. Most of them are just innocent teenagers that do not know the meaning of "physical contact" that the chatroom lechers wants in return of gifts and shopping trips that they present to the victims. In the end, the victims get themselves into a feat of trauma after they got harassed.

This issue should seriously be addressed to parents. Many parents have no idea that their children chat with strangers online. Some do not even know what chatrooms are! Schools should take the initiative to address these problems through seminars and talks. To show the severity of the problem, real cases of sexual harass should be showcased. Then, parents will not take this problem lightly.

Teenagers, especially females, should have more sex education so that they have knowledge on how to protect themselves. However, this may only help a small portion of the victims. Materialism caught many of the chatroom girls out there. Many of the girls are willing to have "physical contact" with the men so as to get gagets that the men provide for them.

Also, it is hard for the police to arrest the chatroom lechers nation wide as the network is simply too large.

In all, I feel that the society is still vulnerable to the predators in chatrooms. The only way to help the victims is to educate them. To learn how to protect themselves and to treasure themselves instead of being material girls, who are willing to sacrifice all just for the lastest gadgets that are available in the market.
i caught a bumblebee at Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Should the US gunman video be broadcasted?

The Virginia massacre that happened last Monday had brought about much controversy worldwide.

The killer, Cho Seung-Hui, killed a total of 33, including himself. A few days later, Cho's ghastly videos and images that he sent to NBC News on Monday,was broadcasted worldwide. In the videos, were reasons to his rampage. He spoke of his griefvance and said that his suicide was to 'inspire generations of the weak and the defenceless people'.

I think that the video should not have been broadcasted. Although the video did provided some answer to his massacre, I think that it is too cruel to broadcast it. For the families of the victims, the video serves no excuse for the man's demeanor. Instead, the disturbing images just creates anger and inflict more pain on the kins.

Also, the video serves as an 'encouragement' to those who have the same idea as Cho. It is to be reminded that his video was supposedly, to 'inspire generations of the weak and the defenceless people' What if someone took it for real and follow his footsteps? More innocent people would be killed.

To the public, the video serves as a medium to understand the man. But what probably would be left behind in the peoples' mind, would be the trauma of it all. People will probably forget about what he said in the video and only remember him holding two guns and pointing it to the camera. In the end, the public is still ignorant of what is happening to their society; why are there so much bloodshed in their community?; why are there more than eleven thousand of people killed by gunshots in the United States yearly?
i caught a bumblebee at Thursday, April 26, 2007

i caught a bumblebee at Thursday, April 26, 2007



you can never know more


lee miang


skin by: alex